If you did attend Sleaze Otter 3: The Greatest Challenge and would like to add to the general fund of knowledge, you might share your (ahem) version of events in the comments section below. Any pictures that feature the organizers in a flattering light will also be posted if/when received.

Sorry, I will not post any of the photos taken when I was being tackled, harrassed or having empty cans thrown at me...
Finally and importantly: please take a moment to look at the following email addresses and consider (but then get distracted)- focus- writing to our sponsors to let them know how awesome you think they are and what a "great" time you had at Sleaze Otter. You people received a next-level amount of prize goodness, and if you want it to continue, do your part and say thanks! Use "sLeaZE otter" as your subject line...
The always lovely (judging from the timbre of her emails, anyway) Emily sent a load of goods. Even though you aren't try and act classy when you email her to say thanks!
Our man Stevil Kinevil helped you avoid the bummer life.
Our gal, Liz, hooked you up.
BlackCatBicycles came through in the clutch at least 6 different ways for this event. Send some personal love there in return.
These course staying bunch of rawhide tuff latenighters did you a solid. Let them hear you say thanks.
>what's that? what's that you say? no hunter cycles? hunh. where were those guys?